Help us maintain the quality of programming, arts advocacy, and educational support which West Vancouver Community Arts Council provides to the North Shore community. Your generous donation using one of the four methods below will help assure our ongoing financial health. We cannot succeed without you!
1 Donate on-line: CanadaHelps provides a simple and secure way to make a donation to WVCAC online, using your credit card. An instant tax receipt will be sent to you by e-mail, regardless of amount. To get started, click Donate Now. |
2 Donate by cash or cheque to:
A charitable tax receipt will be issued for your cash or cheque donations greater than $25. All donations are gratefully accepted. 3 Donate by a gift of securities: This is a wonderful way to support our programmes and increase your tax savings at the same time. The benefit of donating shares is that no capital gains are incurred. An official tax receipt will be issued for the full value of the securities. The procedure is simple: you can make either make an electronic transfer via your broker, or you can send the share certificates by registered mail to our broker. Contact us for further details. Donate by bequest: You can help ensure the future of the West Vancouver Community Arts Council by a bequest in your will. A legacy gift will not only help you achieve your philanthropic goals, but can also help you make a much larger gift than would otherwise be possible, by lowering income and estate taxes. With a little planning, you can create a truly lasting legacy for generations to come.
The following information is provided as general information. Donors should consult with their own legal and financial advisors before taking any action, but one of the following three common methods of legacy giving might prove right for you:
WVCAC is a registered Canadian charitable organization: Charity BN/Registration #119295947RR0001. |
West Vancouver Community Arts Council
Located at
The Silk Purse Arts Centre
1570 Argyle Avenue
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1A1
Phone: 604-925-7292
E-mail: westvanartscouncil@shaw.ca
Silk Purse Gallery & Art Box Shop Hours:
Wed. - Sun. from 12 - 4 pm
The West Vancouver Community Arts Council acknowledges that the lands on which we gather are the traditional ancestral and unceded territories of the the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nation. It is our privilege to celebrate arts and culture alongside them.